To our Hisway Painting Community - we are full steam ahead, but with an abundance of caution and care. Please read our statement regarding our response surrounding the COVID-19 virus:
Hisway Painting has served the greater Nashville area for almost 30 years, and is dedicated to providing quality service to our customers as we live out our mission to serve, impact, and transform. Our service areas in Williamson and Davidson counties have both been impacted by COVID-19 and we want to let you know we are closely monitoring the situation and taking proactive precautions for the safety of all of our customers and employees. None of our painters are sub-contractors, but are all full-time employees and we have ensured that they adhere to the public health authorities' guidance regarding frequent hand washing, limiting any physical contact, and covering coughs and sneezes. They have been actively encouraged to stay home if anyone in their household is sick and to consult with a medical professional. Our painting crew understands to be especially vigilant in environmental cleaning after the painting job is completed.
In addition, for the protection of our estimators and employees, we ask that if someone in your home shows symptoms of the flu, that you please contact us to reschedule painting jobs or estimates until symptoms clear up.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation and take actions necessary to help keep everyone safe while providing quality service to our customers.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at (615) 595-0207 or (615) 456-2498 (mobile).
As we move forward, we also remember that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. We bless you in these coming weeks and thank you for being faithful customers of Hisway Painting.