“The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. ”
Proverbs 29:18 says - "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Other translations refer to a lack of vision bringing a life without restraint or structure. Without a long-term plan—without a vision—people are doomed to wander aimlessly. We all know what happens when there is no plan for finances, for the work that needs to happen in a week, or even when we travel with our family.
Our vision for our homes work the same way, and our dream homes are related to our holistic visions for our lives, as well. Our dreams of home are less about owning a particular building or house, but more about creating a vision for our whole life as it will be impacted by our choice of home and the spaces we occupy. We want a home that will allow our children to flourish, that is safely located, that allows us to reflect our unique personalities and needs through decor, color, and layout. By the same token, our dream home is also one that doesn’t inhibit our lives, make us feel cramped or cluttered. Home should be a place of comfort and safety, a place where you feel down to your very bones that you can rest, heal, and enjoy life with your loved ones.
We have found the significant impact of cleaning and applying fresh paint in giving hope and clarity to homeowners that are still developing their vision for their home. After we have purchased a home, our needs change and sometimes we need to alter or upgrade our vision to accommodate changes in our family or the rhythms of life. There are few things more dispiriting than feeling uncomfortable in your own home.
Luckily, there are plenty of changes you can make so that you start to feel more comfortable and to occupy your spaces in way that brings structure and serenity.
One of the most powerful ways to do this is to declutter those spaces in your home which are most often used, and often stay the most disordered. Working with a home organizer and and applying a fresh coat of paint to these most important areas breathes new life into the home and gives you a sense of vision and possibility.
We love Project Organize 615, project and home management services based in Franklin, who can help with reorganizing, moving, downsizing and decluttering your home. Amy Delaplain and her team have a detail-oriented eye for getting your home back to a manageable state and many happy customers. You can contact them at (615) 538-8241 or at their website link above.
We come in and give your walls and cabinets a fresh new look and create clean spaces for you to see the potential your home has and how you can refine the vision for your home.
Get in touch with us, we'd love to help you get started. We can also put you in touch with color consultants, interior designers, and other home improvement vendors to help you make your dream home a reality.